Parametric Design | Product Configurator
Bespoke memorial urns with surface ripples that echo the sound waves of a personalised voice message.
The Duo-Urn is a personalised memorial urn for protecting the ashes of a loved one. A special message can be recorded and translated into the surface texture of the urn, embedding meaning into the object. The project is focussed on mass-customisation and digital fabrication, exploring how such systems could enhance the value of contemporary products.
Design Tools
Rhino + Grasshopper, FDM 3D Printer, Photoshop, InDesign

Floral Delight
Vase designed for an interior environment, perfect for the lounge or bedroom.

Planted Memory
A pot plant for growing new life, suitable for indoor or outdoor environments.

Natural Return
A partially biodegradable urn. The lower half is planted so a small tree can grow.

Precious Vessel
A vessel for protecting those special treasures left behind by your loved one.

Garden Friend
A standing feature for your garden, designed to collect water for birds and insects.

3D printed prototypes
Miniature prototypes are 3D printed to assess form and surface texture.
Dual function
The Duo-Urn also has a secondary function to foster ritualistic interaction with the object. This function can include a vase, garden feature, vessel for holding precious possessions, planter or buried memorial. The ashes are protected in the lower compartment. The designs above are examples of how the product can be customised depending on the secondary function and user preferences.

Design customisation
The Duo-Urn can be co-designed and customised by family and friends through an online product configurator, shown in the mockup above. They can record a message which translates into the Duo-Urn as elegant surface ripples. Users can also choose the function of the urn and adjust its form through the use of sliders before selecting the material finish.

Parametric design
Parametric design is driven by algorithms. It uses rules and parameters to create geometries that can change fluidly. Updating a value at the beginning of the system will flow through and affect the final object. The Grasshopper definition below is used to generate the Duo-Urn. Using such systems to run a product configurator allows users to personalise products while maintaining the aesthetic and function set by the designer.